Improving the threat intelligence process in Splunk with RST Cloud

The app that allows users to seamlessly integrate threat intelligence feeds into Splunk and mitigate common issues such as lack of context, and manual processes

IoCs from public sandboxes Dec 2022

Boosting Threat Intel with Automatic Sandbox IoC Gathering

Introducing the new Auto-Collection of IoCs from Public Sandboxes feature, now available on the RST Cloud Threat Intel Engine! As of November 2022, our platform has started automatically collecting indicators of compromise (IoCs) from the most popular public sandboxes. But we don’t stop there. After the collection process is complete, we aggregate the data and…

Whois WWW

Streamline Your Workflow with Whois API

As an IT professional, you are likely familiar with the challenges of dealing with vast amounts of data on a daily basis. One common pain point is the need to gather reliable registration details about domains, which can be difficult and time-consuming, especially when you are dealing with query limits and restrictions imposed by various…